Monday, September 10, 2007

When you least expect it

So, yesterday I was feeling pretty awful. Very sluggish, especially after taking my meds. I didn't get much accomplished on Sunday, at least not as much as I had planned to work on.
I was wiped out last night and went to bed after we got the boys settled for the night. I wasn't in bed more than 20 minutes when my sweetie came in to let me know that I had an email from ETSY saying 2 pairs of my earrings had sold. YAY!! I was off and on the computer yesterday when I felt up to it, but I really didn't do much promoting this weekend (the buyer had hearted one of the items earlier this week) and I haven't placed a new item in my shop in about a week. So the sale came as a very nice surprise.

I felt okay for awhile today and was able to finish a scarf and get the order packed up ( my sweetie took it to the post office for me) and I finished organizing my jewelry supplies. I also bought some jewelry supplies and that will be the topic for my Tuesday blog, so we'll end here.
Goodbye Sweet Pea Green and Simply Red earrings, I hope you enjoy your new home!


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