Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Listings, Valentine's Day Items, and More Sea New Year's Resolutions

As a new year is ushered in, I was finally able to get my Etsy listings back up to 20... only another 8-10 before I finally feel comfortable with my Etsy shop again. The new 2009 listing was a very pretty, quite rare, teal sea glass necklace.

Hopefully I'll have a day or two of sun over the next three days, so I can take pictures of my finished creations. I still have a wonderful Citron sea glass necklace, along with a beautiful, light gray necklace, a few greens and a pretty sea glass bracelet all waiting for images.

The Valentine-themed listing above is just one of two newer pieces that have been listed for Valentine's Day. Of course all my jewelry could be Valentine's Day gifts... but the other piece that was created for the next "holiday" is a pair of copper heart/pink-ish flower cup earrings... very pretty & feminine.

I'm also working on a bracelet or two, where a piece of sea glass shaped like a heart, will be the focal bead on the creation. It's still a work-in-progress, but I hope to have it finished in the next week.

As I usher in a new year, I once again have some CreationsByRobin resolutions (I did pretty well looking back at last years!)...

Once again, I'd like to work more efficiently and spend more time with my family. I also hope to add a couple more craft fairs to my 2009 schedule, both in the summer and fall/holiday seasons.

Smarter promoting and probable print-ad advertising is in my plans for 2009 and the one resolution I kind of failed on last year... blog at least 2 times each week.

Thank you to all of my followers, both from Etsy and those that follow me at my shows. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2009 and i look forward to having the opportunity to meet and serve you in the upcoming year!

'til next time...


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Building Up Store Inventory, Sea Glass, Shop Views

The end of the holiday shopping season has given me the chance to get back to my craft table, organize my supplies and begin building up my sea glass inventory and begin creating/listing some Valentine's Day jewelry.

This holiday weekend I was able to add a new item to my 1000Markets shop and 6 new items to my Etsy shop. My Etsy shop is no where near where I'd like it to be in terms of items listed, but I'm happy about getting a half-dozen items listed this weekend. I'm not exactly sure where I want to go with my 1000Markets shop, since views/sales have been slow there.

I've also signed up to give ArtFire a shot and I'm going to start off that site with a couple of sea glass and Valentine's Day items and see how things progress there.

Speaking of sea glass... Last night was the final full moon of the 4th quarter and we went to the beach in search of sea glass. We made our trek to the beach during low tide, but found nothing near the water and only a handful of pieces along the high tide line. We did find a couple cool pieces of driftwood and a very cool bone of some sort, maybe a whale bone.

Listed above is the lavender necklace I'll be listing on Etsy either tomorrow or Tuesday (depending on tomorrow's weather...I'd like to try a couple of outdoor images, hoping to bring out the lavender color some more)

As I mentioned earlier, shop views have been fairly tough to come by on 1000Markets. I listed a new item and it went 24 hours without a view and last I checked, still hadn't been viewed!

On Etsy, the views more difficult to figure. Many of them are from sellers viewing links in the promo forums. I have received a few hearts for both my shop (all from sellers-which could mean future treasuries) and I did received several item hearts. They were a mixed bag...from those with and without shops.

The one feature I find very interesting on ArtFire is their stats feature. It will be interesting to see where my views are coming from and I wish that Etsy would provide this for their site also.

Maybe one day soon...

'til next time...