I have to admit, I'm not sad to see 2010 go.
Despite decent sales during the holiday season and a possible upturn in the economy, 2010 was one tough year. Overall, online sales were way down, the craft fairs I attended were often handicapped by rain, high winds or ungodly heat. Even the ocean added to the woeful year by holding back it's supply of sea glass. And I always seemed to be on the wrong part of the beach at the wrong time.
2010 even had the audacity to give us a end-of-year kick to the "groinular" area with a last minute blizzard...sort of a "here's mud in eye" way to end a miserable year.
So as I trudge along in early 2011, I find myself proceeding cautiously with my game plan for the year. I'm not convinced that economy is turning around nor am I sure that consumers are going consume the way they did prior to our little recession. I've been going over my list of craft fairs and some of the late winter/early spring shows will be dropped. I hope to add a few shows in the summer and early fall in/near the beach resort areas and I have always wanted to attend the Sea Glass Festival as a vendor, and I'm hoping that this is my year.
Last year ended on a strong note, so I enter 2011 cautiously optimistic that this year will be better. Heck, I even found a dozen pieces of sea glass on the beach this morning (one or two pieces may turn out to be necklaces) Maybe it will be a very good year.
Have a happy and prosperous 2011!
'til next time...
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