With Spring only a few days old, it's time to start putting together new items for the spring/summer seasons, concentrate on getting my summer shows in order (and begin to look towards my fall show schedule. The biggest announcement of the spring, so far, is the consignment opportunity starting later this month at the New Jersey Museum of Maritime History.
I will have anywhere from 1 to 2 dozen pieces of handmade sea glass jewelry in the gift shop at the Long Beach Island based museum. I have to admit, I am extremely excited about this opportunity. There is a great upside to selling here... the museum is a hidden-treasure, it's quite unique and very, very well put together... and having the chance to sell on one of New Jersey's busiest summer resort areas is very attractive.
For those that may happen to visit LBI in the spring or summer, the museum is located in Beach Haven on the Island. Visiting the museum is free...of course donations are happily accepted. For anyone thinking this is going to be a dark, dank collection of maritime items will be surprised at what they'll find there.
There are many displays showing items that were rescued from the wrecks off the coast of NJ, along with one of the largest collections of pictures, drawings and maritime books and manuals. The museum is open and bright, with plenty of places to sit and read about some of the disasters that happened off of the NJ coast or pull up a chair and watch video footage of some of the wrecks.
There are also articles and pictures of some of the storms and how they affected the NJ coastline... there really is so much to do there, it would be impossible to see it all in one day.
So, of course, I'm busy creating more items for the this new venture and to keep my online shops supplied (well, at least my Etsy shop...so far) The image above is my newest addition to my Etsy shop and it's one that I find very hard to list... part of me hopes it doesn't sell, because I know I'd love to keep this very rare and sought-after gem.
So my newest milestone... yesterday I reached my 800 heart on Etsy! I know they can disappear as fast as they arrive and it's quite possible I'll have fewer than 800 tomorrow, but hitting that goal was quite cool! Also yesterday, I reached my 170 sale on Etsy...and actually both milestones were reached with the same buyer!
I don't have any shows planned for April or May and I'm pending on my June show, but I hope to have my schedule finalized in the next week or two and post it here for some of my local followers.
'til next time...