An outdoor show in Burlington County and there is no rain in the forecast? Could it be? On Saturday, April 17th in Historic Mt. Holly, New Jersey, along with other members of the EtsyNJ street team, I will be bringing my authentic Sea Glass jewelry to the 1st annual Daffodil Days Festival.
The last show I attended in the area, The Fire & Ice Festival, was mobbed with visitors despite temperatures in the low 20s and brutal winds. There was dozens of attractions at that show and I'm interested in what the DD festival planning committee has scheduled for this event. With sun and temps in the upper 60s expected on a spring Saturday, this festival should be a great way to spend your Saturday.
The show begins at 9am and runs until 3pm... and the local shops will probably be open until early evening, including JerseyMade. Stop in and say hi to Holly, tell her CreationsByRobin sent you : )
'til next time...