Could it be possible that the supply of sea glass has dwindled down to an occasional find?
The summer has never been a great time to find sea glass, as there are so many more
people who are also hunting for ocean treasures. But it has really been a challenge to find anything worthwhile for the last 4-5 months.
I'm sure that the beach erosion work that occurred in LBI this past winter hasn't helped matters, as many pieces of sea glass have probably been buried- some possibly forever. Areas of LBI that were once my secret sea glass "goldmines" have now seemed to be totally void of sea glass. The section I call "Cobalt Beach" presented 3 small pieces of cobalt sea glass back in late February/early March, along with a handful of various colors of sea glass. Since that day, I have only found 2 pieces of "undercooked" glass that went right into the trash because the edges were far to sharp to consider putting back into the ocean.
This summer, I've yet to find any jewelry-quality pieces of sea glass and for the most part, I've only come across the common "Heineken" greens and the "Budweiser" browns and finding those common colors have been few and far between. Heading to other New Jersey beaches have proved futile also.
Perhaps the unofficial end of summer (Labor Day weekend) will bring about some good sea glass hunting opportunities. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed seeing a couple of my latest creations with some of my "old inventory".
'til next time...
Upcoming Shows- The Beach Plum Festival, Island Beach State Park, NJ Saturday, September 11.