Since there is so much competition at the beach for sea glass during the summer, I began looking for new ways to use some of the gorgeous pieces that I haven't been able to wire-wrap to my expectations. Because of the thickness of these pieces, they just won't work for they styles I have been creating for the last couple of years....so I sent out a handful of pieces to a fellow sea-glasser (known in the sea glass community as Bill the Drill for his expertise in drilling any type of sea glass)
When the pieces he can successfully drill return, I'll play use these pieces as the center "bead" in a few necklace creations...it should be fun to sit down to play around with my sea glass, and see what I can create.
I am also coming out with a New Jersey line of sea glass jewelry, made with...yes, you guessed it, sea glass found on the beaches in the Garden State, and back by popular demand, my "surfer sea glass necklaces" will make a return to my show table, and perhaps on find their way into my Etsy shop.
One of my old ideas that did very well at shows and consignments last year was my images made out of sea glass, in a picture frame. I'd like to find some time to sit down and play around with the glass and see what I can create with pieces of sea glass too small to use for jewelry.
Of course, this 4th of July weekend is booked with family outings, the pool, and maybe a trip to the beach. But hopefully, one of these days I'll have a chance to sit and create.
Happy 4th of July everyone, stay cool and enjoy!
'til next time...
You certainly do get some exquisite pieces. I don't blame ya for not braving the crowds during the summer, I pretty much by pass this too. After all it's the winter we're really interested in. Happy Independence Day and creating.
Fair Winds and Calm Seas,
Deborah Leon
I love the wrapped beads!!
I make jewelry too from time to time. Keep up the good work!
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