So hump day comes and goes without much fanfare. ETSY was somewhat slowed by glitches, I went 0-2 trying to grab a new treasury and more than 25% of my inventory had their "views" reduced to 1, where they seem to be stuck on that #. (and to top it off, 2 of the items were among my top 4 in views...uggg- that can't be good for someone with only 2 weeks on the site)
Rain and more rain was the order of the day in the morning and afternoon. The evening brought wind and a misting rain. Tomorrow's forecast isn't much better- considerable clouds, but no call for rain... maybe I'll take the boys to the beach and let them run around and hunt for shells, while I look to add to my beachglass collection : )
I made a few pieces of jewelry tonight and the 1st piece went on ETSY... my angel earrings. The rest I'm putting to the side for craft shows later this fall. I wish I was doing the Wildwood or Cape May shows... if the weather remains wet, those shows will be mobbed by the tourists (of course if the weather is nice, the show may resemble a ghost town) I may be better off waiting for a show in Cape May later in the fall, when the draw of the ocean is gone.
I've added a couple pictures of my boys. The picture on the left has made thru the 1st round of judging in a photo contest. It was taken in Slide Rock St Park, in Sedona, AZ back in the spring. That's my oldest son sittng on the rocks. The photo on the right is my 4 yo, shading his eyes from the sun, while watching his brother play baseball. He almost looks like he's saluting and the America on his shirt and the flag flying in the background, it became a great 4th of July-type shot.
Seeing pictures of my little men make the drab, dreary day sooo much brighter.
Onward to tomorrow!
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